The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) was established in 1959 as one of the primary centers of technological education and research in the country. IIT Kanpur has grown into one of the top technological institutes in India, primarily focused on research in engineering and science, and the teaching of undergraduates. IIT Kanpur was the first institute in India to start Computer Science education.
It imparts training to students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists.

ADDRESS : IIT Post Office, Kalyanpur, Kanpur 208 016. Uttar Pradesh India, TELEPHONE : PBX 590151-92, FAX : 0512-590260


The Institute has a number of facilities, including Laboratories and other facilities, the National Wind Tunnel Facility. Other large research centre include the Advanced Centre for Material Science, a Bio-technology centre, the Advanced Centre for Electronic Systems, and the Samtel Centre for Display Technology,

Special Features

IIT Kanpur has its own independent network. The IITs (and especially IIT Kanpur) are among the first large academic institutions in India to be extensively networked, with an institute-wide LAN and Ethernet access to every student room in the residence halls.

Examinations, Counseling Service, Placement Assistance, Health Services

Hostels : This is a residential institute. The institute has five hostels for boys with S2066 seats and one for girls having 136 seats.

Courses offered by IIT Kanpur

PhD Computer Science, MTech Computer Science , BTech Computer Science , JEE, MBA

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